Tuesday 3 March 2015

Stanley Gordon Pearson
Great Grandfather to Jesiah Johnson
Born December 14th, 1907
Born and raised in Pincher Creek

Author: Stanley Gordon Pearson
Co Authors: Patricia Vass, Gail Addison, Judy Behm and Donald Pearson
Illistrated by Barbara Elizabeth

TITLE: The Life of Stanley Gordon Pearson

Stanley was born and raised in Pincher Creek AB.  He grew up in a good home and was very loved by his parents.  When he went to University he studied Geology and got to travel the world!  One of the places that he fondly talks about is The Galapagos Islands.  He loved doing his work there, studying all the rocks.  He had to participate in WW2.  He meet his bride Helen Pearson just before the war and she had to wait until he returned to marry her.  He lost both his brothers in the war and he explained how this effected him really bad.
After the war he had 4 kids.  3 girls and 1 boy.  He named his son Donald after his brother that he lost in the war.  When the kids were older he moved his family to Europe for 5 years where he worked for Gulf Oil as their president.  He even had servants there!
When he moved back to Canada he bought the farm in Cremona.  He loved working with the cows and horses.

This is the story of my great grandpa.  I got to meet him and see him in the old folks home.
I miss his stories and I miss seeing him.

Monday 2 March 2015


Joni's Story

by Joni Erickson

184 pages and was in born in 1949 died in 2013

Before Joni accident she used to a cheerful and happy young lady. One day everything changed . She decided to go swimming, and had a terrible accident. She hit her head to hard on the bottom of the lake and broke part of her spine which caused her to never walk again.When Joni finally woke up, and realize she was in the hospital, she was frightened.
 After a couple days went by she felt like there was no hope for her. During her time  in the hospital Joni became very sad and  told her mother she wanted to 
  die because she couldn't do the things she was used to do. Her friends and family told her to choose to have a thankful and loving heart but she didn't listen to them. Three months later she attended a specialized school for paralyzed people. It was very hard for her to relearn things she used to be able to do. She remembered what her friends and family explained to her "to have a thankful and loving heart". She decided to try to do her best in everything and have an attitude of gratitude!
The past couple weeks were very hard for her but she kept believing about what will come out of this.She became more closer with the Lord each and everyday.The day had come for her to graduate the paralyzed school.Years later she was married to Ken Tada.And she explained shed never changer anything!

Gianna Jessen

  The Author of this book is Jessica Shaver. This book is 268 pages long.
 Gianna was born October,4 1922, she was expected to die because she                                             was aborted and was only two pounds when she was born. Her mother Tina was only 17 when Gianna was born.

 Gianna became a doctor in Italy in 1949, she hoped to join her brother
in Brazil to help poor . Two months into another pregnancy Gianna
discovered she had a fibroma and would have to abort her baby or would
 have the fibroma removed which had further complications. Gianna wanted to have only the fibroma removed so that she could save her baby. Gianna ministered though her abortions, woman who had abortions done to them where sorry they had ever done abortions after they heard Gianna's story.

I would suggest this book for girls ages 10 and up because under 10 may not understand all the words in the book. girls 10 and under might find this book boring.