Tuesday 3 March 2015

Stanley Gordon Pearson
Great Grandfather to Jesiah Johnson
Born December 14th, 1907
Born and raised in Pincher Creek

Author: Stanley Gordon Pearson
Co Authors: Patricia Vass, Gail Addison, Judy Behm and Donald Pearson
Illistrated by Barbara Elizabeth

TITLE: The Life of Stanley Gordon Pearson

Stanley was born and raised in Pincher Creek AB.  He grew up in a good home and was very loved by his parents.  When he went to University he studied Geology and got to travel the world!  One of the places that he fondly talks about is The Galapagos Islands.  He loved doing his work there, studying all the rocks.  He had to participate in WW2.  He meet his bride Helen Pearson just before the war and she had to wait until he returned to marry her.  He lost both his brothers in the war and he explained how this effected him really bad.
After the war he had 4 kids.  3 girls and 1 boy.  He named his son Donald after his brother that he lost in the war.  When the kids were older he moved his family to Europe for 5 years where he worked for Gulf Oil as their president.  He even had servants there!
When he moved back to Canada he bought the farm in Cremona.  He loved working with the cows and horses.

This is the story of my great grandpa.  I got to meet him and see him in the old folks home.
I miss his stories and I miss seeing him.

Monday 2 March 2015


Joni's Story

by Joni Erickson

184 pages and was in born in 1949 died in 2013

Before Joni accident she used to a cheerful and happy young lady. One day everything changed . She decided to go swimming, and had a terrible accident. She hit her head to hard on the bottom of the lake and broke part of her spine which caused her to never walk again.When Joni finally woke up, and realize she was in the hospital, she was frightened.
 After a couple days went by she felt like there was no hope for her. During her time  in the hospital Joni became very sad and  told her mother she wanted to 
  die because she couldn't do the things she was used to do. Her friends and family told her to choose to have a thankful and loving heart but she didn't listen to them. Three months later she attended a specialized school for paralyzed people. It was very hard for her to relearn things she used to be able to do. She remembered what her friends and family explained to her "to have a thankful and loving heart". She decided to try to do her best in everything and have an attitude of gratitude!
The past couple weeks were very hard for her but she kept believing about what will come out of this.She became more closer with the Lord each and everyday.The day had come for her to graduate the paralyzed school.Years later she was married to Ken Tada.And she explained shed never changer anything!

Gianna Jessen

  The Author of this book is Jessica Shaver. This book is 268 pages long.
 Gianna was born October,4 1922, she was expected to die because she                                             was aborted and was only two pounds when she was born. Her mother Tina was only 17 when Gianna was born.

 Gianna became a doctor in Italy in 1949, she hoped to join her brother
in Brazil to help poor . Two months into another pregnancy Gianna
discovered she had a fibroma and would have to abort her baby or would
 have the fibroma removed which had further complications. Gianna wanted to have only the fibroma removed so that she could save her baby. Gianna ministered though her abortions, woman who had abortions done to them where sorry they had ever done abortions after they heard Gianna's story.

I would suggest this book for girls ages 10 and up because under 10 may not understand all the words in the book. girls 10 and under might find this book boring.

Friday 27 February 2015

                                                                      Steve Jobs


Birth:February 24, 1955

Death:October 5, 2011 because of pancreatic cancer

Accomplishments:Steve Jobs first invention was the Macintosh and a i mac, and phones and iPad and

Steve Jobs was adopted because his birth parents didn't have money to raise a child. Steve loved helping his dad working on cars and for his 5 birthday his dad made him a work bench. Steve when he got older he made computers and gadgets than everybody voted for Steve to be kicked out of the apple business and he worked with Pixar and helped make Toy Story than he got back in the apple business.

Steve Jobs children' s names were Lisa Brennan Jobs, Erin Siena Jobs, Eva Jobs, Reed Jobs and  Laurene Powell Jobs his wife. There children are grown up and have jobs and have children.

You should read this book because it is exciting and learn about how Steve Jobs created technology

                                The Life of Thomas Alva Edison
               Written by Laurie Carlson
The book I read had 149 pages

       Thomas Edison (also known as A1) as we know invented electronic things. Edison was born February 11, 1847 and died October 18, 1931.
                                                                                                                              When Edison became 10 years old, he started working for his family. Tom was around 12 when he was really making money, around $8-10 a day (which would be around $160 today).                                                                                                                                                                                     He started making his own newspapers because he thought he would gain a fortune instead of buying newspapers. A1 started selling newspapers full of gossip.                                                                                                                                                                                                             He usually got kicked into a nearby river after people had read about themselves. After a while, A1 stopped that and started learning about telegraphy. Usually in those days telegraphy wasn't taught in school, so he was one of the lucky people who learned from others about telegraph.

       He became nearly deaf because he was on an extremely loud steam train. One day, A1 was selling newspapers and spotted a child that was on the railroad when he quickly acted and saved the child. The father thanked him and gave him $10 for saving his child.

       Tom started an invention business. He hired workers. One of them, Tom kept his eyes on. It was kinda awkward having Mary's boss staring at her all the time. Soon, Tom approached her and asked her to marry him.

       Mary agreed to ask her parents. When her parents agreed they set up a marriage.

       Tom built a house for Mary when they had their first child, Marion Estelle Edison. Soon Mary got pregnant again and gave birth to their second child, Charles Edison.

      After 2 children, Tom went back into inventing. Mary found it boring watching the kids everyday while Thomas Edison was working.

      Usually, Thomas Edison would be working all the time but he was able to take a nap everywhere he went. The only reason for that is because he was practically deaf.

      One day, Thomas Edison wanted to invent something that would change the whole U.S and Canada. He started working on the light bulb. Many people tried inventing something like this. Most of them either blew up or didn't last very long. One of them nearly wiped out the whole whale population.

      Once the light bulb was accomplished, it gave his company a fortune. The light bulb lasted for 10 years until it needed to be changed.

      After the accomplishment of the light bulb, Thomas's wife Mary had the Typhoid Fever. Back then, there were no medications for this disease or vaccines for them. Mary had spent long times in the hospital but died.

      Thomas Edison didn't go into depression, but continued on his work. His children were his full motivation and responsibility.

      A widower, taking care of two kids. His Daughter was like a mother to her brother. Soon Thomas Edison found another woman named Mina Miller. He was interested in her. He made his first impression and taught her sign language which was useful for Thomas Edison, because he is nearly deaf.

     All so soon they got married and got their first child (from Mina Edison) Madeliene Edison. pretty soon they got their second child, Thomas Alva Edison Jr..

     I would recommend that people should read this book at around the age of 9. It had things that shouldn't be read by younger people.

 Sir Isaac Newton

by Richard S.Westfall
Sir Isaac Newton was born December 25 1642 and died March 31 1727.Isaac Newton was a world renound scientist and physician who changed the world as we know it. In his early years he lived on a hamlet in England. His father, Isaac Newton was a sucsesful farmer but died 3 months before Isaac was born. Isaac wasnt good at his studies in his early years. In elementary he was bullied and so to humiliate the bully he focused so he would get better marks.
 Soon after he was pulled from school because his mother wanted him to pursue farming like Isaacs father. To Isaacs delight he failed miserably and continued atending Kings School agian. While in school he found great intrest in following his uncles foot steps and going to Cambrige University.
He entered in the year of inventors, the 17th century. After he had graduated he became a profesor and later wrote a book.
In Book I of Principia, Newton opened with definitions and the three laws of motion now known as Newton's laws (laws of inertia, action and reaction, and acceleration proportional to force). Book II presented Newton's new scientific philosophy which came to replace Cartesianism. Finally, Book III consisted of applications of his dynamics, including an explanation for tides and a theory of lunar motion.The surprised Flamsteed replied that an effect had indeed been observed, and it was closely predicted by the calculations Newton had provided. Newton's equations were further confirmed by observing the shape of the Earth to be oblate spheroidal, as Newton claimed it should be, rather than prolate spheroidal, as claimed by the Cartesians. Newton's equations also described the motion of Moon by successive approximations, and correctly predicted the return of Halley's Comet. Newton also correctly formulated and solved the first ever problem in the calculus of variations which involved finding the surface of revolution which would give minimum resistance to flow (assuming a specific drag law).
Newton singlehandedly contributed more to the development of science than any other individual in history. He surpassed all the gains brought about by the great scientific minds of antiquity, producing a scheme of the universe which was more consistent, elegant, and intuitive than any proposed before. Newton stated explicit principles of scientific methods which applied universally to all branches of science. This was in sharp contradistinction to the earlier methodologies of Aristotle and Aquinas, which had outlined separate methods for different disciplines. Over all the book was increadable and I would highly recomend this to anyone who is interested in science. Throughout the whole book I enjoyed every bit of it it was amazing.

Helen Keller

June 27, 1880-June 1, 1968

Author:  Stewart and Polly Anne Graff

Number of pages:  92

Helen Keller was a blind and deaf girl she could not talk. Helen only new how to get what she wanted by striking out for it.

Annie Sullivan was Helen's teacher she helped Helen to communicate by tracing first letters, then words into Helen's hands.

Helen Keller types at her desk.Accomplishments:  Helen was the first blind deaf girl to ever graduate college, and she was the first blind-deaf girl to ever write a booShe was the first deaf blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree

Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political, activist, and lecturer. She wrote 16 books in her life time mostly about her life and being in darkness.
  1. Anne Sullivan stayed as a companion to Helen Keller long after she taught her. Anne married John Macy in 1905, and her health started failing around 1914. Polly Thomson was hired to keep the house in good shape. She was a young woman from Scotland who had no experience with deaf or blind people.             

    I liked this book about Helen Keller because She had avery inspiring life to share and to learn lessons from. I think this book would be appropriate for ages 7 and up because it is easy to read and has a fair amount of pages.

By Randy Starkman                           
 February 28, 1973- present
Pages: 178
- In 1992, he got a silver medal as part of the Canadian hockey team at the Winter Olympics.
- In 1995, he got the memorial trophy and he was the hockey news player of the year.
- In 2002, he got a gold medal as part of the Canadian hockey team at the Winter Olympics

Family Members
- His dad, Carl played a big part in him being a hockey star. It never bothered him that Eric was better                    
   than he was, they just had fun playing and learning hockey.
- His mom, Bonnie helped him study for school and cheered him on no matter what.
- His brother, Brett helped him practice hockey skills and stay positive.

- By the age of three, he had tremendously large hands and feet.
- He is very confident and will try new things.
- Started skating when he was one and a half.
- Retired in 2007.
- Married to Kina Lamarche in 2012.
- He has gotten 8 major concussions.

I liked  this book because it explained everything so well.If you like hockey you will love this book. I disliked it because it seemed to drag on and get boring at times. Younger kids probably shouldn't read it because of crude language.

As an overall rating I would give this book three out of five stars.

        Christopher Columbus           

                   Bennie Rhodes                     
                Anna Harper
                              137 pages
       Christopher's date of birth was 1451 and his death was May 20 1506

       Christopher Columbus was a man who sailed the Caribbean Sea to search for a place called San Domingo.
        He was one of the first people to discover America.

  •         Family Members:
  •         His father Domenico
  •         His brother Bartholomew
  •         His mother Susanna
  •         His sister Bianca
  •         His brother Giovanni 

  •         Interesting Information:
  •         Christopher sailed the Caribbean Sea
  •         He sailed to Chios, Greek
  •         Chris dreamed to sail the Atlantic Ocean
  •         Chris was in a war just off the port of Lagos south of Portugal
  •         He discovered America.

       I think that other kids would like to read this because it is very inspiring. It has exciting parts to it like when he sets off for an adventure you might not know if he'll make it back or not. It's so nerve racking when he was caught in a pretty big storm that he could of got killed in.


   Defender Of Faith: The Mike Fisher Story

                                  Kim Washburn                                         

  A defender of faith, a National Hockey League (NHL) player. Mike Fisher was born in Peterborough on June 5, 1980. He was born into a christian family. With two brothers they were always in the basement playing hockey. 

    Mike grew up playing hockey in Peterborough Minor Hockey League Association.He was drafted to the OHL, Sudbury Wolves in the 2nd round, 22nd overall, in the OHL priority draft. 

     Fisher was drafted in the second round, 44th by the Ottawa Senators in the 1998 NHL entry draft.In 1999-2000 season and recorded 9 points in an injury shortened 32-game season. During the lockout year 2004-2005, Mike played overseas for the Ev Zug in the Swiss Nationalliga A. 
     On February 10, 2011, Mike was traded to the Nashville Predators. Mike played his first game with the Predators on February 12, 2011. He scored his first goal as a predator on February 17. Mike was the winner of the 2012 NHL Foundation Player Award,awarded to the NHL player who applies the core values of hockey — commitment, perseverance and teamwork .
     Mike is married to American country music singer Carrie Underwood. They met backstage after one of Underwood's concerts in 2008 and soon began dating.

This Book had 112 Pages and i will recommend it to any 8-14 Year old because it is a nice and very exciting book. I like this book because it teaches how you can be a christian in the NHL.


Thursday 26 February 2015

The Immigrant Diary of Ivy Weatherall

Ivy Weatherall

by Sarah Ellis

185 Pages birth 1915 and death unknown


 My name is Ivy D. Weatherall and my Auntie Lou gave me this diary for my eleventh birthday. It is good she gave it to me now because we are immigrating to Canada. I got tired very quickly of travelling it took us a boat and three trains . When we finally arrived I thought it would be completely different than England but not really. Elizabeth is my best friend but me and her get in huge trouble. Same as England .Sigh.We got in the most trouble when we egged Elizabeth's brother's car. It was totally worth it though he called us brats. At school recently we have been making poems for the christmas play we are putting on . For our play I get to wear a knee length crepe paper dress and recite a poem about the star above Mary and Joseph in the sky.This girl in our class is mean to me because I have an accent.  She gets to wear a rainbow dress and sing a solo in our play. Teacher likes her best.

Everything seems to be falling apart. We have to move to town because the harvest isn't getting us enough money and that means getting rid of our horse which is sad.

Today we moved I've never seen a house this empty. Especially our house which is always buzzing with excitement. Although things seem to be falling apart as long as we are together we will be fine.

Image result for ivy doris weatherall

The person most important to Ivy was her brother Will who she loved so much and had to help comfort because he had no friends because he talked funny

I recommend this book to ages 9-12 because it is a slightly mature book for younger kids and is too little vocabulary for older kids