Monday 9 February 2015

The Adventure Begins

Image result for hudson taylorHudson Taylor
1832 -1905
number of pages:150

Blog by: Madelyn Milbrandt

Hudson Taylor was a missionary for China and a man who believed that everyone was equal to God. He grew up in the town of , England to a christian mother and father. Until he excepted the Lord as his personal Savior he was a unkind rebel. He loved his family but didn't normally get along with them especially his dad who was a local Methodist preacher. His younger sister Amelia loved her brother dearly and prayed that his life would be in the Lords hands. He was the oldest child out of four children one who died at the age of eight. Before Hudson was born his parent dedicated him to the Lord and Prayed to God each day that his life would honor God. By the age of four he was interested in China and believed strongly that the people in this country needed his help. He pursued his dreams as a missionary. When his beautiful sister Amelia went to boarding school, Hudson got a job across the harbor from her.   After a small dating relationship they got engaged even though his wife to be did not agree with going to china that braked of the engagement. At the age of seventeen he went to school to be a doctor and also worked at a local bank . He also started classes on different languages which included Chinese. At the age of 21 he boarded the ship to China. His mother prayed with him before he left and almost fainted at the sight of her baby leaving the shelter of  the nest. aboard the ship his faith got stronger than ever. The storms raged around him as he prayed day and night for the safety of everyone aboard. He later on met a christian man on the ship and together they persuaded the captain to let them do daily bible study. When he arrived in China as soon as he could he sent his family a letter. After the pain and agony of waiting for an update his family prayed day and night for a letter. When the day came that they received one they read it over a dozen times. Hudson started to preach the first day he got there. Most people believed that he would not accomplish anything because he was normally quite sick and was never out of his bed when he was at home. The first time he started to preach people listened but not for long. The Chinese people did not like humans with light hair and skin which Hudson Taylor had. But despite all his let downs Hudson persevered to do what every man was scared to do MINISTER TO CHINA!

                                                        His accomplishments were:

  • Taking school to be a doctor
  • Becoming a christian
  • learning Chinese
  • ministering to China 
  • earned trust with the people aboard the ship
  • brought people to the lord
  • Worked at a bank
  • Worked as a doctors assistant
I think that this book is good for anyone to read. the language is appropriate. The book shows an amazing man and how he persevered through many different things. If you are a non christian it would be a great idea to read this outstanding story. 
Image result for Bible
Image result for Hudson Taylor quotesImage result for china mapImage result for england map

1 comment:

  1. A touching story. The report is REALLY well done!
    Great Job!!
